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Meet Our Team



Practice Manager

I have been with Wesley Dentistry for 16 years as part of the adiminstrative team. I have lived in Nashville all my life and enjoy going to the beach, decorating, and spending time with my husband, 2 married children, and grandchildren. I have built a wonderful rapport with so many of our dental patients and look forward to seeing them on their dental visits.



Dental Assistant

I earned my dental assisting degree in 2015 and feel fortunate to have found a position here where it feels like home. I am happy to be part of an office that not only provides excellent dental care, but also cares about each patient and treats them like family. I’ve learned a lot in the time I have been here. Dr. Wesley and my teammates are fantastic teachers.
When I’m not working, you can find me spending time with my family and friends. We really enjoy riding dirt bikes and ATV’s.



Front Desk Coordinator

I have a passion for business administration and have been on this career path since 1998. I am a blessed wife, mother to 3 daughters and a son, and Gigi to 2 wonderful grandsons. I enjoy spending time with family and friends and I really like to decorate for all the holidays and seasons. My favorite peaceful place is the beach. I love the sand in my toes and the sound of the waves.
I enjoy helping our patients and will always go the extra mile to be sure they feel valued by everyone at Wesley Dentistry.



Registered Dental Hygienist

I am a registered dental hygienist and have been part of this practice for over 20 years. I have been practicing dental hygiene for a total of 36 years. It has been exciting and challenging to provide dental care, as technology continues to give us new tools and information. I have a great relationship with our patients and that is part of what makes Wesley Dentistry so special. I am a native Nashvillian and love seeing our city grow with all that it has to offer. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, including our dog, Brody.



Registered Dental Hygienist

I have been a dental hygienist since 1998. I began working with Wesley Dentistry as a sub in 2019 and was thrilled to accept a regular position in January of 2021. I truly enjoy what I do and love the fact that I get to develop a relationship with patients while helping them to achieve their optimal oral health.
I am blessed with a wonderful husband and two great kids. Outside of work I enjoy traveling, hiking, gardening and days on the lake with my family.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Our friendly team of dental professionals work together to give each patient we meet the best possible care. We love helping our patients achieve healthy, beautiful smiles, and do everything we can to make your experience at Wesley Dentistry as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Give us a call today at 615-377-0111 to schedule your appointment with our dentist and learn more about dental care in Brentwood, TN! We are excited to meet you!

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