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Explore Financial Options at Wesley Dentistry

At Wesley Dentistry, we believe financial considerations shouldn’t be an obstacle to obtaining high-quality dental care. We offer various payment and financial options to help our patients in Brentwood, TN and the surrounding areas access the services they need. Our team is committed to providing essential information about the cost of your treatment and helping you find the best solution for your budget. We will work with you to make your dental care affordable.

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Maximize Your Insurance Benefits

For patients with dental insurance, our office can navigate the complexities of insurance policies to maximize your benefits. We accept most insurance plans and handle the claims process for you, making it as seamless as possible. We offer payment plans and financing options for patients without insurance or those who require treatments not fully covered by their insurance. These alternatives allow for manageable monthly payments to receive the care you need.

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Flexible Payment Plans to Make Your Dream Smile Affordable

Our office is proud to partner with CareCredit®, the leading healthcare financing company, for additional financing options. CareCredit® offers convenient financing options, such as interest-deferred periods for qualifying applicants. This is an excellent way to manage the cost of more extensive dental treatments, allowing you to receive the care you need immediately while paying for the services over time. Our staff can assist you with the CareCredit® application process in our office, helping you explore all options for managing your dental health expenses. Additionally, we periodically offer special promotions on certain dental services, helping make your dental care more affordable. Your oral health is our priority, and we strive to ensure financial constraints never compromise it.

Financing Your Dental Needs

Here at Wesley Dentistry, we are dedicated to making high-quality dental care accessible for all patients. We aim to ensure financial considerations don’t stand in the way of your dental health by offering a range of financial options, insurance expertise, and flexible payment solutions. Our team will help answer any questions you may have and guide you through the financial aspects of your dental care, making your experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. Reach out to schedule your appointment and begin your oral health journey today.

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