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Looking for Your New Dentist in Brentwood, TN?

New patients are always welcome at Wesley Dentistryin Brentwood, TN, and the surrounding areas. Our team, led by Dr. Zachary Wesley, has provided state-of-the-art dental care since 2005. We combine advanced dental technology and techniques with a caring, friendly service to ensure every patient receives personalized and trusted care whenever they come to our practice. From general cleanings and exams to implants, advanced care, and even dental emergencies, our experienced staff is here to create a positive dental experience.

man smiling in mirror

Trust the Dental Professionals

We strive to create a positive and complete experience whenever you schedule an appointment with us. New patients can expect a comprehensive array of standard dental services designed to promote and maintain optimal oral health. Once you have your appointment scheduled, fill out all of your paperwork ahead of time online to make your appointment go as smooth as possible.

family smiling

Our Range of Dental Services

Here is a list of all our dental services available to all our patients, new or returning:

Visit Wesley Dentistry Today

If you are a new patient looking for a positive dental experience, then Wesley Dentistry in Brentwood, TN, is the place for you. Whether you seek cosmetic, family, or restorative dentistry, we are committed to creating a positive dental experience in a comfortable and welcoming environment. With a focus on building lifelong relationships based on trust, we are an ideal choice for individuals and families looking for personalized dental services. Contact us today to begin your oral health journey and create a long-lasting relationship with a beautiful smile.

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