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Brentwood, TN Dental Office

Since 2005, Wesley Dentistry has established itself as the premier dental office in Brentwood, TN. The entire Wesley Dentistry team is 100% dedicated to protecting and restoring your smile. To facilitate this, we have oriented our practice toward the comfort and convenience of our patients. By utilizing the most cutting-edge techniques and technologies available to modern dentistry we can make your smile shine.

waiting room of dental office

Professional Growth and Development

Our entire staff at our Brentwood, TN dental office is committed to ongoing professional development and continuing education in order to be able to provide you with the quality care you deserve. By actively engaging with our professional peers at dental conventions and lectures we strive to stay abreast of the latest techniques, procedures, and products. Our commitment to attaining the most up-to-date knowledge in the field of dentistry will assure that you have a healthy smile for years to come.

Commitment to High Standards

Whether you are coming in for a routine cleaning or an advanced restorative procedure, such as dental implants or Invisalign®, you can rest assured that you will receive the same dedication to quality of service on every visit. This is because we exercise patience and professionalism with every aspect of dentistry. At Wesley Dentistry, we take oral health care very seriously!

Attention to Safety

At Wesley Dentistry, we ensure your safety by observing strict sterilization and cross-contamination processes mandated by organizations such as the American Dental Association (ADA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). These uncompromising policies assure a sanitary environment for all of your family and cosmetic dentistry needs.

Focus on Prevention

Proper oral hygiene is necessary to achieving optimal overall health. For this reason, we here at Wesley Dentistry in Brentwood, TN seek to educate our patients on the particulars of practicing a successful dental health regimen at home. By empowering our patients to take care of their own smiles and providing regular preventive care such as cleanings and fluoride treatments at our office, we are confident that our patients will experience fewer dental dilemmas.

Superior Patient Experience

At Wesley Dentistry, we value every patient. Because we care, we seek to provide you with a positive and relaxed experience on every visit. To achieve this aim we have equipped our operatories with TVs and offer fresh coffee in our waiting room. Most importantly, of course, our friendly and knowledgeable staff is on hand to answer all of your questions and to put you at ease.

Visit Our Brentwood, TN Dental Office

We look forward to serving you and taking care of all your family and cosmetic dental needs. Make an appointment with your Brentwood, TN family and cosmetic dental specialists today!

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