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Veneers Brentwood, TN – Porcelain Veneer Dentist

Veneers are very thin pieces of durable, tooth shaped porcelain that are custom made (for shape and color) by a professional dental laboratory. They are bonded onto the front of teeth to create a beautiful and attractive smile. Our experienced dentist, Dr. Zachary Wesley, has extensive training with veneers and offers several types of elite veneer services to residents of the greater Brentwood, TN area.


Get That Picture-Perfect Smile

Our skilled dentist offers dental veneers to cover the flaws in your teeth and give you a picture-perfect smile! Whether you are looking to subtly enhance your smile or make dramatic improvements to the appearance of your teeth, dental veneers can help you achieve your goals. We invite you to call Wesley Dentistry at 615-377-0111 for more information about dental veneers in Brentwood, TN, and to set up your consultation with Dr. Zachary Wesley.

Dental veneers are very thin shells, typically made of porcelain or resin, that are bonded to the front of your teeth to enhance the beauty of your smile. Our dentist may recommend dental veneers to correct several types of smile imperfections. Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for enhancing your smile because the color and translucence of porcelain is a great match for the natural appearance of tooth enamel. Porcelain is stain resistant as well, so your smile will stay bright for years to come. Resin veneers can also be matched to your natural tooth color. With dental veneers, you can achieve a beautiful, natural-looking smile that you will love to show off.

Custom Made Veneers

Our dentist may recommend dental veneers if you would like to improve the appearance of your smile. Custom-made veneers can be used for just one tooth or for your entire smile. We may suggest veneers to:

  • Close large spaces and gaps between teeth
  • Whiten teeth that are severely stained or discolored
  • Improve the appearance of irregularly shaped teeth
  • Correct slightly crooked teeth
  • Restore teeth that are broken, chipped, worn or fractured

Schedule an Appointment Today

We invite you to call or visit our office today to learn more about custom dental veneers and how we can enhance your smile. We look forward to hearing from you!

Request an Appointment