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Dentures in Brentwood, TN

Missing teeth? Wesley Dentistry offers complete and partial dentures to replace your missing teeth! While many dentists have to refer out patients looking for this service, Dr. Zachary Wesley’s advanced training with “false teeth” allows him to offer several cost-effective denture options in Brentwood, TN and restore your ability to eat, speak, and laugh normally.

To learn more about how dentures in Brentwood, TN, can improve your quality of life and to schedule your consultation with our experienced dentist, Dr. Zachary Wesley, call us today at 615-377-0111.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable oral appliances used to replace multiple missing teeth. If you are missing some or all of your teeth, dentures might be just what you need to restore the function, beauty and health of your smile. There are two kinds of dentures: complete dentures and partial dentures.

  • A complete denture is used to replace all of the teeth in a full dental arch. We may suggest a complete denture to replace all of the teeth in one or both arches depending on your individual needs. Our dentist may suggest using a denture adhesive for improved stability.
  • A partial denture is used if you are missing multiple teeth but have natural teeth remaining. A partial denture often includes a thin framework or clasps that attach to the natural teeth for a secure fit.

Restore Your Smile Today

Our dentist may recommend complete or partial dentures to restore your smile if you are missing multiple teeth; dentures can improve your ability to properly speak and eat, restore your natural facial volume, and enhance the overall beauty of your smile. Your dentures will be custom made to fit your smile comfortably, aesthetically and securely. We invite you to call or visit us soon to learn more about how dentures can improve your smile!

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