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Night Guards at Wesley Dentistry

If you suffer from bruxism or a TMJ disorder, Dr. Zachary Wesley can provide you with a custom night guard to protect your teeth and smile! Night guards also prevent further damage so that you can receive restorative treatments without worry. Call Wesley Dentistry at 615-377-0111 to make your appointment with our experienced dentist and learn more about night guards in Brentwood, TN.

patient and dentist

What Is a Night Guard?

A night guard is a special type of mouth guard that is used to treat bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching. If our dentist or team suspect that you suffer from bruxism, we may recommend a night guard to protect your teeth from damage and prevent teeth grinding while you sleep. Many people who suffer from bruxism are unaware of the condition because it occurs while they sleep. Common signs of nighttime teeth clenching and grinding include:

  • Chronic jaw pain, facial pain and ear pain
  • Awakening with a tired or tight feeling in the jaw
  • Frequent tension headaches and migraines
  • Excessive tooth wear, leading to chipped, flattened, cracked or very worn teeth
  • Extremely worn tooth enamel, exposing the inner layers of the tooth
  • Indentations on the side of the tongue
  • Increased tooth sensitivity

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you notice the signs of bruxism, you may benefit from a custom night guard. This night guard will be made to fit your smile comfortably and effectively, allowing you to sleep peacefully while protecting your teeth. We invite you to contact us today to learn more about night guards and how we can prevent the negative effects of teeth grinding. We are dedicated to providing the best possible care for your smile.

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